Ecumenical Bible Week

A varied and interesting programme is planned for Ecumenical Bible Week (EBW) 2023. This is the tenth year in which EBW has been running.
The theme for 2023 is Planting seeds of hope together — in a post-Covid reality. Christian life is based on hope. EBW 2023 will explore how this hope can be sown and passed on by people of different traditions working together in our current context.
EBW returns to in-person gatherings this year. It will, however, be possible to follow the events as these will be broadcast. Details will be available below.
You can join in by signing up for Event Updates here.

2023 Event Updates

Insert your email to express your interest, and we’ll send you all the event details.


If you would like to make a contribution towards the costs of EBW feel free to click button below to donate. Thank you!